A Prime number can not be divided, without a remainder, by any other number except itself and 1.
sum means the answer of a math problem
Justification in math terms means to show how you solved the math problem. Lay out the problem and show step-by-step how the problem is solved.
The word increased in a math problem means you are adding to terms or numbers.
C ; solution means the answer to an addition problem in math .
Gain means to subtract in a math problem because if you were doing a math problem and it said to gain (loose) 9-8=1 so that would be your answer
In a math problem, least means smallest.
the mean (in math) is the average of all the numbers in the problem
a prime number has only 2 factors
sum means the answer of a math problem
Justification in math terms means to show how you solved the math problem. Lay out the problem and show step-by-step how the problem is solved.
A Way of doing something a Math. Example: The Prime Factorization Method.
goes down
Equations mean a problem mostly in math
What is mean by acting
Equations mean a problem mostly in math
The word increased in a math problem means you are adding to terms or numbers.
C ; solution means the answer to an addition problem in math .