Competitive markets exist when there is genuine choice for consumers in terms of who supplies the goods and services they demand
Means something you do every day in your life on and on
The answer in multiplication is called Product.
multiply its an answer to a multiplication problem well it means like multiplcation product and the product of means the answer of the multiplying problem is the product of ---------------------------------------------------- If you want to find the product of 4 and 3, It would mean 4x3 (=12)
Product miles are the amount of miles a product needs to travel to get to where you need it to go.
a prime #
Diversity of bases means alot of things
Diversity is the state or quality of being different or varied.
A. A. Carruth has written: 'Product diversity and welfare'
Diversity means that a company has people from different backgrounds as employees. Diversity helps companies by creating an environment of innovation.
The variety of reigions
different people
Cell diversity refers to the wide variety of cells and the differences between various cells.
dignity and liberty (freedom) in diversity
Variety, Assortment
A great variety of something.
Nice spelling of diversity there.