In mathematics, "purchase" typically refers to the act of buying or acquiring something in exchange for money or other forms of payment. It is often used in word problems or equations to represent the cost of an item or service. The concept of purchasing involves understanding the value of goods or services and the exchange of currency or resources to obtain them.
It means the same in math as it means else where--it means not reasonable. If you show mathematical steps that are not reasonable to solve a math problem or show a math proof, then your math is unreasonable.
In math it means 2 4 6 8 and not math means equal
In math decrease means minus and increase means plus
intensive math means your one level behind regular math
contant means nothing ibn math or ibn any othre sujbect.
It means the same in math as it means else where--it means not reasonable. If you show mathematical steps that are not reasonable to solve a math problem or show a math proof, then your math is unreasonable.
In math it means 2 4 6 8 and not math means equal
figure math means figure math
Uni- means "one" in math.
In math decrease means minus and increase means plus
consumers purchase clothing, we use money to purchase items
you don't have a zero exponent in math.
Math is made of numbers and variables. Most things in the world involve math. To me, it means numbers and numbers -- nothing else.
intensive math means your one level behind regular math
contant means nothing ibn math or ibn any othre sujbect.
means ten times
Typically, delta means "change in" in math.