red plus blue equals purple
Negitive green of course!
Gee i dont know blue and green .... no no in all seriousness its orange and white
The sample space ispurple - 10, green - 10, black - 10, silver - 10 purple - 18, green - 18, black - 18, silver - 18 purple - 21, green - 21, black - 21, silver - 21 purple - 24, green - 24, black - 24, silver - 24
what does seven plus equal
Purple is a secondary colour made up of equal parts red and blue. There is NO green in purple (which is also a secondary colour made up of equal parts yellow and blue).
red plus blue equals purple
Red and blue in equal parts makes purple, adding more purple will not change the basic colour much. You will still have purple.
Red + yellow + green = brown.
A rather ugly shade of brown.
blue + yellow = green
purple, green, and gold
The secondary colors are green, orange, and purple. These colors are created by mixing two primary colors together in equal parts.
It Equals hazel