Sandoz was created in 2003.
Sandoz's population is 23,000.
Maurice Sandoz's birth name is Maurice-Yves Sandoz.
Maurice Sandoz died on June 5, 1958, in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Edouard-Marcel Sandoz was born in 1881.
Mari Sandoz was born on May 11, 1896, in Nebraska, USA.
Maurice Sandoz was born on April 2, 1892, in Basel, Switzerland.
Rene Sandoz has written: 'La miracle de la musique'
Maurice Yves Sandoz has written: 'The house without windows'
Mari Sandoz died on March 10, 1966, in Nebraska, USA of cancer.
Charles Edouard Sandoz has written: 'Morphinism' -- subject(s): Morphine
Philip Sandoz has written: 'Nippon' -- subject(s): Description and travel, Pictorial works