"to set a precedent" (note spelling) would mean to begin a certain line of thought or custom which will be picked up by the coming generations as a tradition or custom. The word "precedence" pertains to ranking.
The order of precedence is as follows:Parenthesis (expressions within brackets)Exponents (powers)Division & multiplicationAddition & subtractionOperations with equal precedence are calculated in left-to-right order.
In every day language ; mean' can be said as 'Average'.
It is a set that contains no elements - an empty set.
the mean is an average of a set of numbers
It means"(something) set by tradition or precedence"Precedence it is , not presidency.
the order of precedence This answer is incorrect and I was graded as being wrong on an Excel exam for not defining it as Order of Operations. Though technically that is what order of operations is and a set of Excel online Flashcards had the same answer being Order of Precedence. Precedence Order is more commanly called Order of Operations, I do believe
Speaking in a grammatical sense, one sets a precedent, not a precedence. Precedent in law refers to a legal decision that serves as a rule or pattern in future cases. Example: There is a clear precedent to support the argument of the plaintiff. Precedence refers to the act of coming before in time or being more important than something else. Example: Although the bride's father wanted to walk her down the aisle, the bride's mother was given precedence since she had raised her daughter alone for her first 21 years.
An engineered set of drawings or blueprints would take precedence over all on an electrical project.
There's no precedence for your proposal; let's do it! Your early arrival gives you precedence for the day's tasks.
The suffix of "precedence" is -ence.
Precedence is determined by operators only. Every operator has a precedence in the range 1 through 17, where 1 has the highest precedence. All precedences have left-to-right associativity except 3 and 15 which are right-to-left. Precedence 1: scope-resolution operator Precedence 2: postfix increment/decrement, function-style type cast, function call, array subscripting and selection by reference or pointer. Precedence 3: prefix increment/decrement, unary plus/minus, logical and bitwise NOT, C-style cast, dereferencing, address-of, sizeof, new/new [] and delete/delete []. Precedence 4: pointer to member. Precedence 5: multiplication, division and modulo. Precedence 6: addition and substraction. Precedence 7: bitwise left/right shift. Precedence 8: relational operators (<, <=, > and >=). Precedence 9: equal/not equal operators (= and !=) Precedence 10: bitwise AND Precedence 11: bitwise XOR Precedence 12: bitwise OR Precedence 13: logical AND Precedence 14: llogical OR Precedence 15: ternary conditional, assignment and compound assignment. Precedence 16: throw Precedence 17: comma
Temporal precedence refers to an order of events. If something has temporal precedence, it precedes the event and is not the cause.
President Andrew Jackson set the precedence of awarding jobs to supporters after electoral victory in 1828. This was a clear departure from past practice of transparency.
He is saying that the law takes precedence, is the most important.
It depends on what the precedence has to do with. If it is inheriting an estate with no will it will depend on the state in question. In most places the grandfather will have precedence.