Same as "foot". The term "linear" is used to distinguish from square foot, or cubic foot.Same as "foot". The term "linear" is used to distinguish from square foot, or cubic foot.Same as "foot". The term "linear" is used to distinguish from square foot, or cubic foot.Same as "foot". The term "linear" is used to distinguish from square foot, or cubic foot.
It is the square of the previous term.
'Square feet' is a plural term for square foot. A square foot is unit of measurement. It used to measure areas. It is a non-SI (System De Interantionale) and a non-metric unit. It is known as United States customary unit or Imperial unit. A square foot is an area covered by a square.You use square feet for units when you calculate area.
It is the "square root." This is the opposite function (n1/2) of the square (n2).
It means to find the generic expression for any term, not just for one specific term. For example, in the sequence 1, 4, 9, 16, 25... it should be clear that these are square numbers, which you can write as 12, 22, 32, etc. The nth. term is n2, meaning that for any number "n", term number n is n2.
Each term is a square or triangular number. In the context of the sequence of square numbers, the first term is the first square number, the second term is the second square number and so on.
The mathematical term 'perfect square' means that a number, which has a rational number as its square root. 25 is a perfect square, because its square root is 5, a rational number.
no but it means the same as your foot
An acre is a unit of area, equal to 43560 square feet (1/640th of a square mile)
> square the 1st term >twice the product of the first and last term >square the last term
Same as "foot". The term "linear" is used to distinguish from square foot, or cubic foot.Same as "foot". The term "linear" is used to distinguish from square foot, or cubic foot.Same as "foot". The term "linear" is used to distinguish from square foot, or cubic foot.Same as "foot". The term "linear" is used to distinguish from square foot, or cubic foot.
It's hard to say, because "radius" is not a term classically associated with the square. You'd have to define what you mean when you talk about the square's radius.
1st term is a perfect square 3rd term is a perfect square square root of 1st and 3rd term multiplied together then multiplied again by 2 to get the middle term
A square is a person who is not "cool" or "hip." This would be the person who is unpopular and does not follow the latest fashions in clothing, slang, and behavior. "Square" is an old slang term from the 1960's.
The weight per 100 square feet coverage of the shingles.
Square can mean multiple things. The term square is used to describe something boring or unexciting. It may also be talking about a company called Square which accepts credit cards for small businesses.
1.square the first term 2.square the second term 3.square the last tem