It means how you plan to go about, to solve a certain problem - the general procedure you will use.
Let the students LOVE the MATH.... Its easy to create a perfect atmospher, activities for those doesnt like the MATH.
What does length mean in math
Its for a word problem. At least that was I was taught. FIND OUT; What is the problem about,What is the question in the problem,what do I have to find out in order to answer the problem,What info can I start with,Is there any words or ideas that I don't understand, Am I missing needed info. CHOOSE A STRATEGY; Have I solved a problem like this before strategy did I use before, would that strategy be helpful? SOLVE IT Is my math is to read ,was the strategy helpful would another strategy be more helpful? Do i need to multiply divide add or subtract etc
Communitive means of, or belonging to, a community. It has no meaning in math. Communative does not mean anything - in math or elsewhere.
the mean is the average
math is multicultural because math is everywhere everyone in the world does math. Even the strategy there could be different ones but the answer is always going to be the same
math problems.
Mostly games of chance, strategy, or math.
Let the students LOVE the MATH.... Its easy to create a perfect atmospher, activities for those doesnt like the MATH.
No, although there can be strategies in mathematics - in game theory, for example.
Yes. It is a part of every subject in which you have a problem to solve.
R: Read the problem E: Evaluate the information C: Choose a strategy I: Identify the operations T: Test your idea E: Evaluate your success
Math class is a class which is taught to students in a school (elementary through highschool) It is a class which teaches different strategy's to to students to solve different math equations.
What does length mean in math
Well for starters it's "strategy". Not stratgy.