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Every year the average person pees 4 times a day

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Q: What does the average person does this 5 times a year?
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What does the average person do 5 times a year?

mini sick

How many times does a persone pee a year?

An average person would pee 1,825 in a year. Because an average person would pee 5 times in 1 day. So it would be 365 x 5 = 1,825. If that answers your question.

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About 406,000 people get sick in a year all around the world.

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How many times does a person yawn in a life time?

Well, a healthy person usually yawns about 4-6 times a day on average. So 5*365=1,825 times a year. Average person lives about 80 years so, I would estimate the average person yawns 146,000 times in a lifetime.

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The average person does this 3 to 5 times a day?

It depends on how much or how little you do things. For example, a person can watch TV for 3 to 5 times or not watch it at all.

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On average, a person will walk the equivalent of about four times around the Earth's equator in their lifetime.

How many times average person yawns a day?

On average, a person yawns about 5 to 10 times a day. Yawning is a reflex that helps regulate brain temperature and oxygen levels.

How many times does a person cough in a day?

The average person does not cough more than 5 times a day. Those who are sick may cough more times.

Annually every person in the US produces an average their weight in waste?

5 times

What is the Average number of times a person touches their face each day?

3-5 times a minute, then you can do the math