The distance between Sardis and Susa is approximately 1,350 miles (2,170 kilometers) when traveling by land.
Babylon, Susa, Pasagadae, Ecbatana, sardis
Babylon, Memphis, Persepolis, Susa, Sardis, Halicarnassus, Jerusalem, Tyre.
The Royal Road was built to facilitate rapid communication throughout the very large Persian empire from Susa to Sardis.
The answer to this question is Susa and Sardis. Thanks, Historyisdumb...
The Royal Road from Susa in Persia to Sardis in Asia Minor.
Pella, Granicus, Sardis, Gordium, Issus, Alexandria, Memphis, Gaugamela, Babylon, Susa, Perpolis, Pasargadae, Ecbatana, Alexandropolis, Alexandria Ariea, Kandahar, Kabul
The Persian road system connected the satrapies of the Empire, particularly the Royal Road from the capital of Sardis in the west to the capital of Susa in the east. Communications and trade were also carried out by sea and river craft.
Susa Saukko's birth name is Susa-Maria Saukko.
Susa was the seat of central government, which the road connected to the provinces to the west, as far as Sardis. This route covered the most populated area of the Empire. Other areas North Africa and Europe could more easily be contacted by water transport, and the sparser and more inaccessible areas to the east were not worth the effort and protection of the major communications highway to the west, having secondary level roads. .
Charlotte Susa is 5' 7".
Abdas of Susa died in 366.