a half dollar looks like a dollar cut in half
Does the negative sign come before or after the dollar sign?The negative sign comes before the dollar sign.
First of all, the question should be asked like: What does the greater and less than sign look like? Greater Than Sign - > Less Than Sign - < Equal To Sign - = Your Welcome!
it looks like a stop sign a stop signits like a stop sign
$ , % Dollar sign, Comma , Percentage
the at sign looks like this: @
the dollar sign ($) she writes her name like this: Ke$ha
a half dollar looks like a dollar cut in half
what does a no power boat ahead sign look like
it looks like the delta sign.
answer is looks like dollar sign $
Does the negative sign come before or after the dollar sign?The negative sign comes before the dollar sign.
money --> ([dollar] sign) <--
what does a positive pregnancy test look like from family dollar
The square sign looks like a square.
It looks like this "&".