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it's "off the BEATEN path" and it means to take the road less traveled.

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Q: What does the expression off the beacon path mean?
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A person can go off the path they have set for themselves. A hiker or an animal can go off a path in the woods. An ATV can go off an ATV path.

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It means that someone has gone to another location with no real purpose. It can also mean to become lost, such as--> "He wandered off the path and became lost in the woods."

What does off the beaten path mean?

In an out-of-the-way place, a place people don't go very often.

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"Getting your rocks off with a girl" is a colloquial expression meaning to engage in sexual activity or have sexual pleasure with a woman.

When was Off the Beaten Path created?

Off the Beaten Path was created on 1996-08-20.