The millions place of a base-ten number is the position of the seventh digit left of the decimal point.
The 7 is in the millions place.
The value of any digit in the millions place is 1,000 times the value of the same digit in the thousands place.
The digit in the ten-millions place in the number 123456789 is 1. In the place value system, each place value is 10 times greater than the one to its right. So, the ten-millions place is the fourth digit from the right in a 9-digit number.
8 is in millions place.
Counting from the right, the millions place is the first "1."
The place value after millions is billions.
53,600,240,800: 3 is in the millions place.
15,783,406 to the nearest millions place = 16,000,000
It is: 310,000,000
The digit in the ten millions place in 56907316 is 0.
From right to left 5= ones place; 7= tens place; 1 = hundreds place; 2 = thounsands place; 8 = ten thousands place; 6 = hundred thousands place; 1 = millions place; and to finally answer your question, 3 = ten millions place
close, ten millions place, because that number is 80 million....
naww its in the hundreds place....
The 7 is in the millions place.