The E symbol means 'times ten to the power of'.
So 4E7 means 4 x 107 which is 40,000,000.
Calculator is feminine in French. The French word for calculator, calculatrice, ends in an e. Most words that end in e in French are feminine. Not always, but most of the time, you can rely on that rule.
It means Error. If you try to divide a number by 0 it should give you the E. Also if you try to multiply numbers that will give a larger number than the calculator allows. I believe exponential calculators fix this by giving you a exponential answer.
If you have a scientific calculator, there should be a key to input numbers in scientific notation. This key may be labeled "E" (uppercase E - the lowercase "e" means something different) or "Exp". In this case, press 1, EXP, 12 (meaning, 1 x 1012).
e-r diagram of scientific calculator
A blue H sign mean the hospital doesn't have A/E facilities and the red H sign means it does.
W. E. Crouch has written: 'Pocket gopher control' -- subject(s): Pocket gophers
Calculator is feminine in French. The French word for calculator, calculatrice, ends in an e. Most words that end in e in French are feminine. Not always, but most of the time, you can rely on that rule.
It means Error. If you try to divide a number by 0 it should give you the E. Also if you try to multiply numbers that will give a larger number than the calculator allows. I believe exponential calculators fix this by giving you a exponential answer.
Assuming you mean 'logarithm to the base 'e' ( natural logarithm. On the calculator its symbol is 'ln'. Hence ;ln 2 = 0.69314718....
Do you mean an underscore? This symbol: _
8.4439177559686645954870429037094e+416 (Computer Calculator)Ma ERROR "Memory Error" (Handheld Scientific Calculator)E "Error" (Basic Calculator)
"You almost had the spelling right. The only problem was the ""e"" in ""calculator"" It should be an ""o"". So the full spelling would be mortgage calculator."
e maxx is way better
go to 2nd LN and if you just want "e" go to the first power