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The moon spins quite slowly, about once each 27 days, this monthly rate of spin matches the rate at which the moon revolves about the Eath.

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Q: What does the spin rate of the moon have in common with its orbital rate about the earth?
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Why does the moon rise gets delayed day after day?

That is because of the Moon's orbital movement around the Earth - one revolution every 27 days.That is because of the Moon's orbital movement around the Earth - one revolution every 27 days.That is because of the Moon's orbital movement around the Earth - one revolution every 27 days.That is because of the Moon's orbital movement around the Earth - one revolution every 27 days.

At what rate of speed does the moon travel around the earth?

The Moon revolves around the Earth once in about 27.32 days. At its orbital distanceof about 238,000 miles, that works out to an average of about 2,281 miles per hourrelative to the center of the Earth.

Is the moon able to crash the earth?

No, it is in orbit around earth. It has an orbital velocity which would take it away from the Earth it it were no for the gravitational attraction of the two bodies. There are two opposite things going on that keep the Earth and Moon in their positions. The moon is actually getting further away from the Earth at about a rate of 4cm a year.

How does the Moon's rate of rotation about its own axis compare with its rate of revolution around Earth?

This has to do with the different orbital planets of Earth and the Moon. Earth revolves around the Sun in flat planar orbit. The Moon similarly revolves about Earth in flat planar orbit. But the planets are slightly tipped with respect to each other - a 5.2* tilt The moons rotation on its axis is equal to its orbit round the Earth with respect to the sun and stars. It presents one side permanently to the Earth so in relation to the earth it does not rotate.

Which occurs when the moon spins on its axis at the same rate it orbits the earth?

The same side of the moon always faces the Earth

What is the approximate value for the rate at which the moon orbits the earth?


Will the earth and the moon join?

Not hardly. The moon is moving away from the Earth at a rate of a few inches per year. In about 25000 years, the moon may have the potential to escape the gravity of the Earth.

Why can we always see the same side of the moon from earth?

The moon rotates and revolves at the same rate

Is there 0 gravity on the moon?

No. The rate of acceleration due to gravity on the Moon is 1.6249 m/s2 which is 16.7% of that on Earth. Things on the Moon weigh 16.7% of what they would on Earth.

The Moon is 384403 kilometers away from the Earth and moves farther about 3.8 cm per year what is the closest orbit the Moon had with the Earth in the past?

It is estimated (according to the "Giant Impact Hypothesis") that the Moon started orbiting Earth at about 1/10 the current distance; from there, it gradually went further and further out. Note that you can't just do the calculations based on the current rate of recession (increase in distance); when the Moon was closer to Earth, the tidal effects were stronger than they are now, Earth's rate of rotation decreased at a faster rate, and therefore, the Moon's distance from Earth also increased at a faster rate.

Over time the moon's gravity will drastically alter earth's?

Over time the moon's gravity will drastically alter the Earth's rate of rotation.

The time at which the Moon rises changes by about 50 minutes every day. Why is this the case?

the moon revolves around the earth at the rate then the earth on its axis