it is : (l-M) A=113625ft squared Hope this helps:D
The Earth going around the Sun
Yes, In Math There are Spirals. In Nature there are Spirals in Sun Flowers to.
Because there is no sun at night. So you can't use a SUNdial at night. Also, sundials have to be outside. Clocks work at night and don't have to be outside.
he said the earth is not flat but round it rotates around the sun to make it day&night.
it is : (l-M) A=113625ft squared Hope this helps:D
The Bridge of Light was created in 1950.
Go at night...
The duration of Bridge to the Sun is 1.88 hours.
the riddle
The answer to the riddle is "Shadow."
What fly but have no wing? is part of a riddle. The answer to this riddle is a cloud. The complete riddle is: What can fly but does not have wings? Cries but has no eyes. I see the sky get dark and I see the sun come up.
Bridge to the Sun - 1961 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG Finland:K-12
Night Sun ended in 1973.
Night Sun was created in 1970.
The Sun does not experience night and day.