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The two wavy lines symbolizes that the shapes are congruent. This means that they are the same size as each other.

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Q: What does the symbol of two parallel wavy lines mean?
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What do the wavy lines in math mean?

One wavy line (~) represents similarity. Two wavy lines (≈) means "approximately." THree wavy lines (≋) would most likely mean approximately identical to.

Can lines be wavy?

Parallel-being everywhere equidistant and not intersectingLine-A geometric object that is straight, infinitely long and infinitely thin.So two "wavy lines" (that never intersect and are equidistant) would fulfill the definition of "parallel," but not of "line."

What is the symbol for the math term for pi?

its a 2 lines and a wavy top over the two lines

Are curved lines wavy lines?

Multiple curves, or arcs, comprise a wave which generally consists of a crest (high point) and a trough (low point). So generally speaking, a wavy line would be two or more curved lines that are connected.

Different types of lines in mathematics?

Different types of lines are :parallel lines, intersecting lines, perpendicular lines,oblique lines, vertical lines, horizontal lines, zigzag lines, curved lines ,wavy lines, and dashed or dotted lines.

How can the arrival and progress of an eathquake be recognized on a seismogram?

by wavy lines of characteristic shapes

What is the meaning of wavy lines?

a series of curve lines

What does the stop light and wavy line symbol on peugeot 206 diesel mean?

nothing its a safety feature

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my 92 Chevrolet corsica has a rectangular signal that appears on my dash. It is a box with wavy lines at the bottom of it. there is an arrow pointing downward. What does this mean. There are no pictures of this symbol in the manual.

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The sign for Aquarius is the water carrier. The glyph which is otherwise referred to as a symbol for Aquarius is two wavy lines that represent flowing water.

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How do you use the word wavy in a sentence?

The wind's movement of the wavy lines in the sand were fascinating to watch.