it is a little circle just like the degrees symbol. in the same place aswell. DR. Suhaib Nadeem
oz = ounce
In maths, something that is quadratic is squared. So a quadratic equation will have X squared in it.
The word "quad" mean four (4).
a is used as a symbol to represent a variable.
"xi" symbol in maths if used mostly in ven diogrammes and is in the top, right hand corner
The answer can be simple it can be '=' or even 'SA'
equal signs
The literal meaning is 'of one hundred'. Any number written with a percent sign is a fraction of one hundred.
It's the equals sign with the ~ above it. ≅
The "R" in math means "radical". Therefore, you're gonna have to get the square root of a digit. If you don't get it, pls. comment on this one.
A expression in maths is a collection of terms without an equality sign.