It is easier to add two fractions together if you convertb them to the same values. You can convert both of these fractions to 20ths quite easily.
3/4 is equal to 15/20ths and 9/10ths is equal to 18/20ths, Simply add them together to find 15/20 + 19/20 = 34/20 now reduce this to a proper fraction... 1 and 14/20ths which can be simplfied to 1 and 7/10ths.
one and five tenths or one and a half
six eighths nine twelves
nine tenths
There are 16 3/4s. There are 16 ...three fourths
Two and nine tenths.Two and nine tenths.Two and nine tenths.Two and nine tenths.
If the whole number is twelve, three fourths? No, nine tenths of twelve would not be a complete fraction. Eighteen twentieths would equal nine tenths, or 90 percent if you're looking for a metric answer.
21.6 of them.
Yes, they are equal.
3/4 divided by 9/10 is 0.83333 . . .
In numbers this is (9/4)/(3/4) and is equal to 3.
one and five tenths or one and a half
4/9 x 3/4 = 12/36 = 2/6= 1/3 is the answer if you meant "what is four ninths times three fourths"
six eighths nine twelves