Evaluate is just the big scary word for solve it, seriously couldn't they just say solve?
evaluate means to figure out the value of something
Evaluate: -7 - 8
In math evaluating is where you simplify an expression as much as possible. For example to evaluate 5+2 you simplify it so it is 7. To evaluate 5x+3x+4y you simplify it to 8x+4y.
What does length mean in math
evaluate means to figure out the value of something
It means to solve the problem.
-(-40) = +40.
I will evaluate all my math homework.
sigma thita alpha bita gama root square
R: Read the problem E: Evaluate the information C: Choose a strategy I: Identify the operations T: Test your idea E: Evaluate your success
The word evaluate simply means 'find the value of...' For example, if asked to evaluate 23x4, the answer is 92.
Evaluate when m = 30.5 kg and k = 3.5 m
Evaluate: -7 - 8
That basically means to calculate.
That basically means to calculate.