It is a statement equivalent to saying that 0 is the additive identity.
Zero is the additive identity.
If zero is added to a whole number the answer would be the whole number because zero is the same as nothing
Variance is standard deviation squared. If standard deviation can be zero then the variance can obviously be zero because zero squared is still zero. The standard deviation is equal to the sum of the squares of each data point in your data set minus the mean, all that over n. The idea is that if all of your data points are the same then the mean will be the same as every data point. If the mean is the equal to every data point then the square of each point minus the mean would be zero. All of the squared values added up would still be zero. And zero divided by n is still zero. In this case the standard deviation would be zero. Short story short: if all of the points in a data set are equal than the variance will be zero. Yes the variance can be zero.
The intuitive concept of zero is nothing or more exactly the number that measures nothing. It is the answer to a question for which one expects a numerical answer but nothing is there. For example, if someone asks how many pennies you have in your pocket and your pocket is empty, you could correctly say "zero" Mathematically, zero is the number that when added to another number does not change it. If somebody gives you zero pennies, you still have the same number you had before.
yes it is but it just has an extra zero added that is not necessarily needed
Zero is the additive identity.
If you mean a muzzle brake or barrel weight, yes. It can change the vibration pattern in the barrel when the rifle is fired, changing the point of impact. Anything added to a barrel, such as a sound suppressor, will affect the zero.
Then it will either get hotter, or change its phase (for example, ice at zero degrees will convert to water, also at zero degrees).
The dog's name is Zero.there is jack, sally, dotor
A zero vector is a vector whose elements are all zero. It has no direction or magnitude, and does not change the position of any point it is added to. In mathematics, it is often denoted as 0.
If zero is added to a whole number the answer would be the whole number because zero is the same as nothing
Not necessarily. If the net force acting on a body is zero, the body's velocity will remain constant (assuming no other forces act on it to change its velocity), but it doesn't mean the velocity will be zero. If the initial velocity is zero, then the velocity will remain zero if the net force is zero.
zero + zero = zero
It's the Identity Property of Zero.
I am not sure what you mean by reversing a zero acceleration. An object's acceleration can, of course, change over time.
Zero, if you mean what is the free energy change.