7*4 equals 28
In multiplication: 4 times 7 = 28
Also, 2 x 14, and 1 x 28
Oh, what a happy little question! To find what equals 28 in multiplication, we can think of different pairs of numbers that multiply together to make 28. One pair is 4 times 7, another pair is 2 times 14, and there are even more pairs to discover if you keep exploring. Just remember, there are many ways to find the answer, so enjoy the journey of discovering them all!
The product in a multiplication sum is the answer - the numbers in the question are the multiplier and the multiplicand.
500 equals 500 - whether with multiplication or division or whatever.
1 x 56, 2 x 28, 4 x 14, 7 x 8 = 56
28 x 5 = 104
The product in a multiplication sum is the answer - the numbers in the question are the multiplier and the multiplicand.
70 x 2 = 140 28 x 5 = 140 and so on.
1 x 28, 2 x 14, 4 x 7, 7 x 4, 14 x 2, 28 x 1.
You can double the multiplication fact 14 to find 28.
500 equals 500 - whether with multiplication or division or whatever.
1 x 95, 5 x 19.
Just two examples out of many possibilities: 28 x 4 = 112 56 x 2 = 112
A product.
1 x 56, 2 x 28, 4 x 14, 7 x 8 = 56
1 x 56, 2 x 28, 4 x 14, 7 x 8.