Oh, what a happy little number you've shared with us! If we want to simplify it, we can say that the expression equivalent to 72309906402 is simply 72309906402 itself. Just like every color on our palette has its own beauty, every number has its own unique value. Remember, there are no mistakes in math, only happy little accidents.
The expression 9+5 is equivalent.
If an algebraic expression is equivalent to another algebraic expression then it is an equation.
15 1/2
34 is an equivalent expression.
The expression 9+5 is equivalent.
If an algebraic expression is equivalent to another algebraic expression then it is an equation.
Which expression is equivalent to cot t sec t
To find an expression equivalent to -28xy 35y, we can first simplify by multiplying the coefficients -28 and 35 to get -980. Then, we multiply the variables x and y to get xy^2. Therefore, the expression equivalent to -28xy 35y is -980xy^2.
3.092 is equivalent to 3.0920
25xy is an equivalent expression.
15 1/2
The expression is 5b + 16