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It all depends on your definition of "side" and "figure". Do you mean two-dimensional figures specifically? Do you mean "side" as a straight segment connecting to another straight segment forming an angle between them? The question is just loaded even if you do say "yes" to the above questions because mathematicians are still arguing about whether or not a circle (for instance) has no sides, an infinite number of sides, or one curved side. (If you go over to the DrMath website, you can see a long discussion about it.) If the answer to the first question is "no", then a single point has no sides (since it has a dimension of 0).

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A Quadrilateral. Figures that have four equal sides are called squares. Whereas, other figures that have four unequal sides are called quadileterals

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2 dimensional (plane) figures can have three or more straight edges as sides. 3 dimensional (solid) figures can have four or more plane sides (faces). They can have fewer sides if the sides are not straight.

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Congruent Figures has equal sides, angles, shape and size.

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More than 3 sides, closed figures, and, straight sides.

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FIGURES ARE like a rectangle that has 6 sides

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All figures with four congruent sides are rhombuses. All figures with four congruent angles are rectangles. Any shape that is both a rhombus and a rectangle is a square.

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A square and a rhombus