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If the ion product concentration is greater than the Ksp value a precipitate will form. If it equals the Ksp the solution is saturated and no precipitate forms.

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Q: What forms when the ion product is greater than Ksp?
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When comparing Q to Ksp an initial Q value greater than Ksp indicates that?

It means a precipitate will form

What can you say about a solution when Qsp is greater than Ksp?

Precipitates will form

What is the relationship between Ksp and the product of ion concentrations in terms of determining whether a solution if those ions is saturated?

Ion product < Ksp Unsaturated solution Ion product = Ksp Saturated solution Ion product > Ksp Supersaturated solution

When comparing q to ksp an inital q value greater the ksp indicates that what?

A precipitate will form

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Why potassium chromate is more soluble than silver chloride?

due to the solubility product constant(ksp)

What is a solubility product of calcium chloride?

ksp= [Ca2+][Cl-]^2 = (x)((2x)^2) Ksp =4x^3 where x= the amount soluble of one mole of product

Why doesnt the solid appear in the Ksp expression?

Solubility product constant, Ksp, uses concentrations of soluble (dissolved) substances. A solid is not dissolved.

What chemical system can Ksp be assigned?

Ksp or solubility product is meaured for aqueous solutions of salts, for acids is Ka , for bases is Kb and for water is Kw.

What is the Solubility Product Constant Ksp for AgNO3?

Ksp= [Products]^mole ratio so Ksp=[Ag+][NO3] Since you didnt provide any numerical values, that's as far as you can go. You can look for known Ksp values at certain temperatures in some AP Chemistry books or online.

Can a soluble substance become in soluble?

If there is no reaction occuring to change the molecular structure of the substance, you have to look at the ionic product of the substance. When the ionic product is more than the Ksp of the substance, there would be precipitation of the substance

If your cuvette had been dirty how would this have affected the value of ksp?

It will decrease the Ksp