0.48 = 48%
is 48/6 equivalent to 480/60 why or why not
48% = 48/100 = 12/25
To express 2.48 as a fraction, we first need to understand that the decimal point separates the whole number part from the decimal part. In this case, 2 is the whole number part and .48 is the decimal part. To convert the decimal part .48 to a fraction, we can write it as 48/100 because there are 2 decimal places. Therefore, 2.48 as a fraction is 2 48/100, which can be simplified to 2 12/25.
As a decimal: 0.48. As a fraction: 48/100.
to turn a decimal into a percent you need to times the decimal by 100 and with a fraction you need to divide it so say if your fraction is 48/50 you need to divide 48 by 50 to get 0.96 then you times it by 100 also
12/25 or 0.48
12/25 or 0.48
To find the decimal, move the decimal two places to the left. 48% becomes 0.48 as a decimal. To find the fraction, put 48 over 100 and reduce. A number that divides into both is 4. 48/4=12 100/4=25 48% becomes 12/25 as a fraction.
48 percent to a decimal = 0.4848% = 48%/100% = 0.48
The decimal is: .48
48 as a decimal: 48.0000048 as a fraction: 48/1This fraction is in simplest form, and can't be further reduced.
96/100 = 48/50 = 24/25
Do the division. 27/48 = 27 divided by 48 = 0.5625
To change a percent to decimal form, move the decimal two places to the left. When no decimal is shown it is assumed to be at the end of the number so:48 percent is 48. percent. Moving the decimal two places to the left gives .48The decimal form of 48 percent is .48. Also written 0.48
48% as a decimal is 0.48