If the numerator is less than the denominator, the fraction is less than one. For example, 5/7 is less than one. If the numerator is greater than the denominator, the fraction is greater than one. For example, 10/7 is more than one.
7/10 is a positive fraction that is less than 1. It cannot, therefore be expressed as a mixed fraction.
2/5 = 4/10 so it is bigger than 3/10.
3 over 10 = 3/10
10/12 is a fraction that is less than 1. It cannot sensibly be changed to a mixed fraction.
That cannot be simplified.
1/10 is less than 7/10
improper fraction for 50 over 10 = 50/10Improper fraction is a fraction in which the numerator is greater than the denominator.
If the numerator is less than the denominator, the fraction is less than one. For example, 5/7 is less than one. If the numerator is greater than the denominator, the fraction is greater than one. For example, 10/7 is more than one.
Since 6 is smaller than 10, there is no improper fraction.
Not necessarily. -1/2 is a fraction which is less than 1.-10 * -1/2 = 5, a product which is bigger than -10.
Yes because 3 over 5 is equal to 6 over 10 s
7/10 is a positive fraction that is less than 1. It cannot, therefore be expressed as a mixed fraction.
Usually you don't use a fraction to illlustrate a whole no. 10/10=1 for example. Anything less than that would be.
No, it is a fraction. It is four tenths which would also be 40%, so it is less than one and not a whole number.
Nothing. Any number that is less than 18/100 it must be less than 3/10.