When the numerators are the same, the fraction with the higher denominator is less than the fraction with the lower denominator. The denominator indicates the size of the "parts" being shown as a fraction, and the higher the denominator, the smaller those parts are!
The fraction with the smaller denominator has fewer pieces in the whole. So each piece must be bigger.
Any fraction, whether proper or improper is, by definition, a rational number. A rational number is one which can be expressed as the ratio of two integers, in other words a fraction. It does not matter whether the fraction is proper (numerator lesser than denominator) or improper (numerator geater than denominator).
Multiply the number by a fraction
The fraction with the higher denominators lesser then the fraction with the lesser denominator because it is being split into more pieces. Think about it this way: you made brownies if you spilt them in half ( 1/2 ) you will have two big pieces but if you split them with a lot of people let's say 25 each person will get a very small brownie. 1/25 is smaller than 1/2 -saf13
To compare two fractions, you convert them to equivalent fractions with the same denominator. Then you can compare their numerators (top parts). In that case, the fraction with the larger numerator is larger.
No, octo, or octa, means 8.No, octo, or octa, means 8.No, octo, or octa, means 8.No, octo, or octa, means 8.
octa is a 8 sided shape
Irzen Octa died in 2011.
Octa of Kent died in 543.
Octa of Kent was born in 500.
Natalie Octa is 5' 4".
When the numerators are the same, the fraction with the higher denominator is less than the fraction with the lower denominator. The denominator indicates the size of the "parts" being shown as a fraction, and the higher the denominator, the smaller those parts are!
Octa Clark died on 1998-09-11.
Octa Clark was born on 1904-04-30.