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All of it though not at the same time.

At any point in time, it is a little over a half.

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Q: What fraction of the earth surface is illuminated by the sun?
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What is the efffect of rotation of the earth when facing the sun?

The illuminated patch on the earth's surface drifts westward relative to a fixed point on the earth as the earth spins eastward.

How much of the total surface of the Moon is illuminated by the Sun when it is at quarter phase?

The moon's surface is always half illuminated. We on Earth see 0 to 100% illumination of the side that faces use, depending on what phase the moon is at. Quarter phases, first and last, are half illuminated when seen from Earth.

Why is the moon illuminated?

Light from the sun is reflected off the moon back to the earth, which is why the moon looks illuminated. sun-----------------> moon earth <-------

How much of the Moon's surface is illuminated by the sun at any time regardless of how much of that light can be seen from earth?

One half unless it is in the earth's shadow

How much of the entire moon's surface is illuminated by the sun at first quarter?

At any time, half of the entire Moon's surface is illuminated.

What portion of earth receives energy form the sun at any given time?

Since the Earth is a Spheroid shape, (not a true sphere) 50% of its surface is illuminated by the Sun, at any given moment.

Is the moon always dark on one side?

No. The Moon is orbiting the Earth, but is illuminated by the Sun. About half of the Moon's total surface is illuminated by the Sun at any one time. As the Moon orbits the Earth, the same side always faces the Earth. The phases of the Moon represent the part of that face that is lighted on that particular day. We cannot see the far side of the Moon, but it will have the remaining part of the illuminated one-half.

Is the moon an illuminated object?

Yes!!! It is illuminated by the Sun. In fact all the planets, including Earth, are illuminated by the Sun. We see these plane the reflection of Sunlight from them . None of them give off light on their own account.

How can you see the moon at night?

It is illuminated by the Sun, just as Earth is.

How much of the moon is illuminated by the sun at each position as the moon orbits earth?

Half (50 percent) of the moon is illuminated by the sun at all times, just as half of earth is always illuminated.The thing that changes is: How much of the moon's illuminated half can we see from earth ?

How much of the moon is illuminated by the sun at each position as the Moon's orbits earth?

Half (50 percent) of the moon is illuminated by the sun at all times, just as half of earth is always illuminated.The thing that changes is: How much of the moon's illuminated half can we see from earth ?

How is earths moon like earth?

Like the Earth, the Moon is a sphere which is always half illuminated by the Sun, but as the Moon orbits the Earth we get to see more or less of the illuminated half.