To find fractions equivalent to 28/42, we need to simplify the fraction by finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 28 and 42, which is 14. Dividing both the numerator and denominator by 14, we get 2/3. Therefore, any fraction that can be simplified to 2/3 is equivalent to 28/42, such as 4/6, 6/9, and so on.
1/7 is one of the infinite number of fractions equivalent to 6/42. Others are 2/14, 3/21, 4/28, and so on.
These fractions are all equivalent in value: 2/7, 4/14, 6/21, 8/28, 10/35, 12/42, 14/49, and so on.
Two equivalent fractions for 21/35 are: 42/70, 3/5.
Some equivalent fractions of 35/49 are: 5/7 = 10/14 = 15/21 = 20/28 = 25/35 = 30/42
27/42 = 9/14 or 18/28
2/3 or 20/30
10/28, 15/42
28/54, 42/81
28/34, 42/51
fractions equivalent to: 5 over 7 = 10/14, 15/21, 20/28,... 60 over 84 = 5/7, 30/42, 20/28,...
1/7 is one of the infinite number of fractions equivalent to 6/42. Others are 2/14, 3/21, 4/28, and so on.
28/34, 42/51
11/14 = 22/28 33/42 44/56 726/924
two fractions are equivalent 21 over 23 = 42/46, 63/69
6 over 10