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Pascal's Triangle

A triangle of numbers in which a row represents the coefficients of the binomial series. The triangle is bordered by ones on the right and left sides, and each interior entry is the sum of the two entries above. Similar to modern day Sudoku.

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Q: What game was created by French Mathematician Blaise Pascal?
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Who is pascal named after?

Blaise Pascal a French mathematician (1623-1662)

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This is Pascal, it was named after Blaise Pascal. = =

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Pascal was developed in 1970 by Niklaus Wirth. It was named after the French mathematician, Blaise Pascal.

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The pascal is a unit of pressure named after Blaise Pascal, the French mathematician and physicist.

What did blaise pascal study?

Blaise Pascal was a French mathematician, physicist and religious philosopher. He laid the foundation for the modern theory of probabilities.

What famous game was created by the french mathematician Blaise Pascal while doing experiments in perpetual motion?

pascals triangle

What were blaise pascal's sisters name?

The French physicist and mathematician Blaise Pascal had two known sisters who were named Jacqueline and Gilberte. He was the youngest of the three.