To determine factors of a number it is necessary to divide the number by prime numbers of increasing value. If there is no remainder then the Prime number is a factor. The square root of 231 is approximately 15 so it is necessary to divide by all the prime numbers up to 13 (15 is not a prime number).
231 ÷ 2 leaves a remainder of 1
231 ÷ 3 divides exactly 77 times (which is 7 x 11 - both are prime numbers)
231 ÷ 5 leaves a remainder of 1
231 ÷ 7 divides exactly 33 times (which is 3 x 11 - both are prime numbers)
231 ÷ 11 divides exactly 21 times (which is 3 x 7 - both are prime numbers)
231 ÷ 13 leaves a remainder of 10
If we multiply together the three numbers that are shown to be factors 3 x 7 x 11 = 231
this confirms that there are no other factors of 231 except 1 and 231 itself. This last condition is true for every positive integer.
231 is divisible by 1, 3, 7, 11 and 231
three 30/10 = 3 = 231/77
Well, let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty of numbers. If you gently divide 231 by 11, you'll find that it goes in 21 times. Remember, there are no mistakes in math, just happy little numbers finding their place.
Factorizations for 231 are: 1) 231 = 1x231 2) 231 = 3x7x11 3) 231 = 21x11 4) 231 = 3x77 5) 231 = 33x7
231 + 194 = 425
The factors of 231 are: 1, 3, 7, 11, 21, 33, 77 and 231
three 30/10 = 3 = 231/77
24 goes into 231 as decimal 9.625 times
3 goes into 231 77 times.231 ÷ 3 = 77
1 and 3.
1 and 3
36 goes into 231 6.6 times or 6 with remainder 21.
1 and 3.
The common factors are 1, 3, 11, 33.
The number 9 goes into the number 231 a total of 25.66 times. This can be calculated by dividing 231 by 9 using basic division or a pocket calculator.
The GCF is 3.