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The independent variable goes on the horizontal (x) axis.

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Q: What goes on the horizontal axis of a graph?
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What is the horizontal axis of a graph?

The horizontal axis of a typical graph would be the "X-axis"

Which variable always goes on the horizonal axis of line graph?

The x axis is horizontal; the y axis is vertical

Which axis on a graph runs horizontal?

The horizontal axis is known as the x-axis.

What variable goes horizontal in a line graph for science?

The independent variable is typically placed on the horizontal (x) axis in a line graph for science. This variable is manipulated or controlled by the experimenter to observe its effect on the dependent variable.

What is on the horizontal axis of a speed graph?

The independent variable, in this case time, is on the horizontal axis of a speed graph.

Where is the independent variable placed on a line graph?

on the horizontal axis!

In a graph the variable on the horizontal axis is the?

The independent variable is on the horizontal axis.

When should you break the vertical axis of a bar graph?

When the horizontal variable goes from positive to negative.

On a graph which axis is horizontal and which axis is vertical?

The convention for an x-y graph is as follows: y | | |_____ x where the x-axis is horizontal and the y-axis is vertical.

What is a horizantal axis?

the horizontal axis (also known as the x-axis) is the horizontal line on a graph.

In a scatterplot graph subjects age and education in years which variable goes horizontal and which goes vertical?

Better to plot the subjects' ages on the X-axis (horizontal) and their years of education on the Y-axis (vertical).

A vertical or horizontal line used in graphs is called a?

Vertical and horizontal lines in most graphs are called axes (plural of axis). They create the plane on which the graph sits. The X axis is the horizontal axis and goes across the graph. The Y axis is vertical axis and goes up and down the graph. They could also be lines which depict places that the graph never touches; this would be called an asymptote.