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The power of one thousand (or one million, depending on whether you are using the short-scale American version of the system or the long-scale English and continental European usage of the system) which follows octillion is nonillion. In short scale, this consists of 1 followed by 30 zeroes, while in long scale, this consists of 1 followed by 54 zeroes.

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Q: What group is next after octillion?
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What comes after septillion?

After septillion comes octillion After octillion comes (chronological order) : EDIT What has this to do with chronology?? Increasing order of magnitude, I can understand. nonillion decillion undecillion duodecillion tredecillion quattuordecillion quindecillion sexdecillion septendecillion octodecillion novemdecillion vigintillion

What numbers come after Octillion?

After octillion is nontillion or octillion and one. Nontillion has 30 zeros. Looks like 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

How do you write octillion in standard form?

One octillion = 1027.

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17 octillion

Unit number after octillion?

The unit number after octillion is nonillion.

How many zeros in 6 octillion?

27 zeros in 6 octillion.

What is after sextrillion?

sextrillion and one! But I assume you want to know the next major unit, which is septrillion (equal to a thousand sextrillions).

What is 3200000000000000000000000000?

3.2 octillion

What is four octillion?

In scientific notation four octillion is 4 * 10^27

What is greater than trillion?

The next several in order are: quadrillion, pentillion, hexillion, septillion, octillion. Quadrillion is higher than a trillion!

What is the next group after trillions?

Million , Milliard , Billion , Trillion , Quadrillion , Quintillion , Sextillion , Septillion , Octillion , Nonillion , Decillion , Undecillion , Duodecillion, Tredecillion , Quattuordecillion , Quindecillion , Sexdecillion (Sedecillion) , Septendecillion , Octodecillion , Novemdecillion (Novendecillion) , Vigintillion , Centillion , & The Last Isgoogol

What comes after sentillion in numbers?

Sentillion is not a place value. I'm going to assume you mean septillion, in which case the next place value is octillion.