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Q: What happens 6 times a year?
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About 5-6 times per year

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What happens 10 times per minute?

6 seconds pass by.

If 4 times a year is quarterly what is 6 times?


What happens every 3 years?

It is a triennial event. A triennial event happens three times a year.

If something happens two or more times a year what is it called?


What Happens When You Say 6 Three Times?

This is not a magical incantation; nothing happens.

What happens when there 3 Friday 13 in a year?

Nothing particularly special happens when Friday the 13th happens three times in a year. It will always be in either January, April and July or in February, March and November.

What happens if you go to sauna everyday?

Yes you can, I go to sauna about 6 times a week.

The thing which comes once in a year twice in 6 months 4 times in a month 6 times in a week?

letter e

Something that happens three times a year start with the letter B?

makes no sense