You stay in the same grade
the answer to this question is 14 centurys
i did not pass rading and pass math and I still went on to the next grade because of my perfect grades
They're identical masses.
If you miss the exam they will simply give you a make up but dont be absent for a long period of time
something that happens often or is expected
A grade 3 should weigh about 40 or higher
You would be in grade 11 or 12 depending on your birthday :)
Danish, English at 3th grade, and German/French at 7-9th grade.
He dropped out of school in 9th grade after failing it 3 times
Flunk Punk Rumble was created in 2010.
If you are not up to standerds in reading you can still be held back.
Probably not, but it depends on what you mean by "3th".
Yes third graders can where diapers in fact i wore diapers sense third grade myself. its a nerve in your brain that doesn't work well
There isn't a Latin word meaning flunk ,but Deficere means fail .
to fail or flunk an exam, the same as American English.
I studied hard so I would not flunk the mid-term exam.