A heptagon is a polygon with seven sides. A regular heptagon has seven sides of equal length and seven angles of equal magnitude.
A heptagon has seven sides.
On the internet I found that a polygon with seven sides is called a heptagon.
A heptagon.
a heptagon
A Heptagon has seven sides
A heptagon has seven sides.
A polygon with seven sides is called a septagon.
A polygon with seven sides is a heptagon.
A heptagon is a polygon that has seven sides.
It has 7 sides
a heptagon is the only polygon that has seven sides
In geometry, a heptagon is a polygon with seven sides and seven angles.
If you are referring to the number of sides then it is a polygon with seven sides and seven angles.
You may be thinking of a heptagon. It has seven sides and seven angles.
A hexagon has six sides, so seven hexagons will have 6 * 7 = 42 sides.
Try the phrase, "The seven seas have seven tides, a heptagon has seven sides."