The study of math plays a very important role in our daily life. There are so many reasons why mathematics is important to each and every one of us .Firstly; all subjects are linked with mathematics like physics, chemistry and even Biology. Secondly, mathematics is used in architecture and designing. How can to achieve my aim/dream to be an engineer and accountant someday? Thirdly, mathematics is used in all businesses like in banking, offices, workplaces etc. All financial aspects of the businesses deal with mathematical concepts. Almost people who said to themselves that they are stupid or dumb with mathematics. When they will hear the word "MATH" they are thinking about themselves that they didn't know how, and they are being lazy to understand it.
Mathematics is one of my favorite subject since in elementary and until now. There are so many things that can be change in mathematics when you are already in secondary years, it will become harder and it will need more patience for solving. There are many topics that I had learned in 4th grading period like special products and factoring. In special products I understand carefully how to get it. You just only multiply the FOIL (First, Outer, Inner and Last terms).In factoring there are so many topics: factors and primes, factoring by the common monomial factor, factoring quadratic trinomials, factoring the difference of two squares, factoring the sum and difference of two cubes and factoring by grouping. In the first topic of factoring,the factors and primes, you just only get the greatest common factor (GCF).In the second topic, factoring by common monomial factor; first you find the GCF then write each term as the product of the GCF and its other factor and after apply the distributive property. These are just the some topics that I state how to get the answer. Here in my minds the other lessons that we take up and I know and understand that factoring are divided in to two categories, the easy and difficult. Almost that I observe the factoring is quite difficult but if you understand it, it is just easy for you to answer. Also I observe that the last part of the lesson that we take up is harder than the past lessons which Mrs. Dollisen taught to us. Many of my fellow classmates are lazy and didn't have patience to solve, they are only saying Mrs. Dollisen that it is so hard to do, but only thing that our teacher said to them, it is not hard to understand, the only required thing to this lesson is; they must only listen understand what she had taught to them. I will say frankly that there are times that I feel lazy in solving but I'm still doing my best to do not give up or surrender in solving; once you had started you might finished this so that you cannot did it again. In times that I did not know, I said to myself that I'm stupid in mathematics and I will said again to myself that I will show my best to them so that I cannot degrade myself. I WILL TRY AND TRY UNTIL TO SUCCEED. I WILL DO MY BEST SO THAT I CAN ACHIEVE MY DREAM TO BE AN ENGINEER AND ACCOUNTANT SOMEDAY!!!!!!!!
All of us here in this world have the knowledge. We must not degrade ourselves that we are dumb people when it comes in mathematics. We must be proud that we have a teacher to teach us if there are things that we didn't know how, we must understand, listen and respect them. When we talk about mathematics we must always apply patience to ourselves so that we can get the right answers. Mathematics in our daily lives is so important to us especially those people who had businesses to avoid bankruptcy in their business. Mathematics is important in every aspect of our lives!!. MATHE……………………MA…………………………………..TICS!!!
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When you study the theory of geometry, it is pure mathematics. However, when you start using the geometry you have learned in other, more practical areas, then it becomes applied.
In general, elements are the smallest irreducible parts of anything. Elements in math and science are the most basic principles or rudiments of the subject to be learned.
mathematics is math math is short for mathematics
Pure Mathematics is the branch of mathematics that deals only with mathematics and how it works - it is the HOW of mathematics. It is abstracted from the real world and provides the "tool box" of mathematics; it includes things like calculus. Applied mathematics is the branch of mathematics which applies the techniques of Pure Mathematics to the real world - it is the WHERE of mathematics; it includes things like mechanics. Pure Mathematics teaches you HOW to integrate, Applied mathematics teaches you WHERE to use integration.
I don't have access to the questions, and if I did, I would not be mean enough to solve them, give you the answers, and make sure you never learned how to do any math.