Whole Numbers are only natural and zero
Integers are positive, negative numbers and zero
Rational Numbers include all Integers, along with any terminating, or repeating decimal numbers. (All fractions are rational numbers)
Irrational Numbers include all non-repeating, continuous decimal numbers (Pi is a good example of an irrational number)
Real Numbers include all of the above
Imaginary Numbers include any number that is not real. (iis the only example of an Imaginary Number that I know of)
I know I went into MUCH more detail than asked for, but I figured why not.
These are the integers.
All of the natural numbers and zero are called integers.
Natural numbers are:counting numbersnon-negative, non-zero integers; positive integersnon-zero whole numbers; positive whole numbers
These are the integers.
The extended set of natural numbers, or the non-negative integers.
When it is not included in the natural numbers, it is referred to as 'the natural numbers with zero'.
No...zero is not a natural number, natural numbers start at the number 1.
There is some disagreement whether the set of natural numbers includes zero. Other than that, they are the same as whole numbers.
All of the natural numbers and zero are called integers.
Yes, because natural numbers are your counting numbers (1,2,3,4...) Whole numbers are natural numbers and zero (0,1,2,3...) and integers are all of the natural numbers and their opposites and zero (...-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3...).
If N is the set of natural numbers, and the set of whole numbers (integers) is Z, you should be aware that Z also includes negatives and zero, whereas N does not include either of these.
Whole numbers are the set of natural or counting numbers inclding zero