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Q: What invention measured the angle between a celestial body and the horizon?
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What are some similarities between the celestial equator and the horizon?


What is the difference between the celestial equator and the horizon?

The celestial equator ties our planet to constellations. Humans perceive the horizon from the ground, so it appears curved to our naked eye.

What is the great circle on the sky midway between the celestial poles is called?

The horizon is the great circle on the sky midway between the celestial poles.

What is angle measured above the altitude?

Altitude is the angle measured above the horizon.

When was the sextant used?

Sextant, instrument for determining the angle between the horizon and a celestial body such as the Sun, the Moon, or a star, used in celestial navigation to determine latitude and longitude. ... The angular distance of the star above the horizon is then read from the graduated arc of the sextant

What latitude on earth is a celestial pole 45 above the horizon'?

At 45 degrees north latitude, the north celestial pole appears 45 degrees above the northern horizon. At 45 degrees south latitude, the south celestial pole appears 45 degrees above the southern horizon.

Does The celestial equator always pass directly overhead?

If you are standing at the north or south pole, then the celestial equator coincides with your horizon. At other latitudes, half of the celestial equator is above the horizon, and half is below it.

If the north celestial pole was on your horizon where would you be on earth?

up your asskol

If you were standing on the earth's equator where would you look to see the north celestial pole Could you see it from Australia?

At the equator, the celestial north pole would be north, just at the horizon. In the southern hemisphere, for instance in Australia, the north celestial pole would be north, and as many degrees BELOW the horizon as your latitude. For instance, if you are 10 degrees south of the equator, the celestial north pole would be 10 degrees below the equator.On the other hand, for people in the southern hemisphere, the celestial SOUTH pole would be ABOVE the horizon; this same pole is below the horizon for anybody in the northern hemisphere.

What is the angle between the zenith and North celestial pole if you are at 37 degrees latitude?

If your latitude is 39 degrees north, then the north celestial poleis 39 degrees above your northern horizon.If your latitude is 39 degrees south, then the north celestial poleis 39 degrees below your northern horizon.

Can you see the north celestial pole from the US?

Yes. For any point on Earth that is north of the equator, the north celestial pole is above the horizon.

Altitude is the angle measured above the?

Altitude is the angle measured above the horizon.