The number .416, when rounded to the nearest whole number, becomes 0. When rounding decimals, you look at the digit immediately to the right of the decimal point. If that digit is 5 or greater, you round up; if it is less than 5, you round down. In this case, since the digit after the decimal point is 4, we round down to 0.
2 416 304 rounded to the nearest million is 2 000 000 (2 million).
416 divided by 4 equals 104, a whole number. Since there is no remainder, we know that 416 is divisible by 4.
Base (b) = 1 000 000 Number (n) = 2 416 304 Modular (m) =n Mod b = 416304 Integer Difference (d) = n - b = 2 if m/b is more than or equal to 0.5 then d = d+1 else d answer is (d), 2 million
There are many numbers that are divisible by 416 these include: 416, Basically the 416 times table
416 rounded to the nearest ten is 420 and when rounded to the nearest hundreds is 400.
The number is already rounded to a greater degree than that!
2 416 304 rounded to the nearest million is 2 000 000 (2 million).
416 divided by 4 equals 104, a whole number. Since there is no remainder, we know that 416 is divisible by 4.
Oh, what a happy little question! 416 as a decimal is simply 416.0. Decimal numbers can have a whole number part and a decimal part, but if there are no digits after the decimal point, we can add a zero to show that it is a whole number. Just like adding a touch of titanium white to brighten up a painting!
It is 420
There are 3 they are (416)555-7627,(416)555-195O and (416)867-5309
No! Because if you divide 416 by six you get a number with a repeated decimal. (: