Multiply the whole number times the numerator. Divide the product by the denominator.
0.225 Repeated, 0.225, 0.25 Repeated and 0.25.
The base is the repeated factor. The exponent tells how many times the base is repeated.
in india it is repeated after every 10 years
0.453 repeated as a fraction = 453/999
.23 repeated as a fraction is 23/99
The number .475 repeated as a fraction would be 475/999.
If it's only the '4' that's repeated, then the fraction is 2/45 . If the '.04' is repeated, then the fraction is 4/99 .
0.3 is 3/10 as a fraction. It is NOT '1/3' 0.3333333...... repeated to infinity is 1/3
It is 1 2/3.
It is 40/9.
It is 26/9.
It is 7/9.