To convert 0.000006 to standard form, you need to move the decimal point to the right until there is only one non-zero digit to the left of the decimal point. This results in 6 x 10^-6 in standard form. The negative exponent indicates that the decimal point has moved to the left of the original number.
How do write 666 in standard form?
It is In standard form.
That is the standard form!
It is already in standard form.
It is already in standard form.
6 x 10^-7 or .0000006
It is already in standard form.
9,670 is the standard form.
How do write 666 in standard form?
43,962 is the standard form.
It is already in standard form.
It is In standard form.
That is the standard form.
That is the standard form!
The standard form is 58,212
It is already in standard form.