To convert 0.0002 to percent multiply by 100: 0.0002 × 100 = 0.02 %
.002 as a percent is .00002%. If 002 does not have a decimal in front of it, then it means 2, which is .02% To find a percent, just move the decimal two places to the left. To turn a percent into a decimal, move the decimal two places to the right. The reason why this works: A percent is really a number over one hundred. So 2% is really 2/100, which when divided out becomes .02.
6.40 because if you can find 25 percent and 5 percent you can take 5 percent from 25 percent for 20 percent.
Yes, 200 percent is greater than 28 percent.
Grade average of 89 percent and 93 percent averages 91% or an A-.
00002/2000000 = 2/2000000 = 0.000001
0.0002 = 2 x 10-4.
(40000000 x .00002)=800
2406 = 2*62 + 4*6 = 9610 = 110 00002
The destination disk is out of space
.002 as a percent is .00002%. If 002 does not have a decimal in front of it, then it means 2, which is .02% To find a percent, just move the decimal two places to the left. To turn a percent into a decimal, move the decimal two places to the right. The reason why this works: A percent is really a number over one hundred. So 2% is really 2/100, which when divided out becomes .02.
Surface area of a sphere. Area = 4 pi r^2 Area = 4 * pi *(0.00002)^2 = 5.0265 X 10^-9 ( whatever units ) ----------------------------------------------
in universe 4x10^-7%in sun 9x10^-7%in meteorites .00012%in earth's crust .00022%in oceans 1x10^-9%in humans .00002%Plagiarized word for word from
The average of 82 percent, 94 percent, 89 percent, and 91 percent is 89 percent.
(85 percent + 79 percent + 92 percent + 100 percent)/4 = 89 percent
(21 percent) + (32 percent) + (76 percent) + (95 percent) = 2.24