0.01 as a whole number is equivalent to 1. When we convert a decimal number like 0.01 to a whole number, we move the decimal point two places to the right to get rid of the decimal part. Therefore, 0.01 becomes 1 when expressed as a whole number.
xxx is a fraction and there is no way to represent it as a whole number.
0.001 is NOT a whole number. 0.001 is = 1/1000 ( A very small fraction).
0.001 is a fractional number in decimal form and there is no sensible way to convert it into a whole number.
there is one significant figure in 001 because 0's only count as significant figures when they are after a whole number and there is a decimal point. ex. there are three sig figs in 100. 1.00 and 10.0
Without a decimal point, they are both the same. If you asked "Which is less .01 or .001", then .001 is the smaller number.
It is: 0.004
0.001 is NOT a whole number. 0.001 is = 1/1000 ( A very small fraction).
0.001 is a fractional number in decimal form and there is no sensible way to convert it into a whole number.
0800 001 001
There is no moshling 001.
It is 12 because 001 is the same as 1
The 0005 is larger without a decimal points. If you meant .001 and .0005, the .001 is larger.
there is one significant figure in 001 because 0's only count as significant figures when they are after a whole number and there is a decimal point. ex. there are three sig figs in 100. 1.00 and 10.0
Without a decimal point, they are both the same. If you asked "Which is less .01 or .001", then .001 is the smaller number.
001, and 999
001 then the us number