Well, darling, 0.01 to the power of 4 is 0.00000001. It's like trying to make a dollar out of four pennies - it just ain't gonna happen. So, in this case, that tiny decimal is getting even tinier with each power it faces.
0.000 001 is one millionths.0.000 001 is one millionths.0.000 001 is one millionths.0.000 001 is one millionths.
Without a decimal point, they are both the same. If you asked "Which is less .01 or .001", then .001 is the smaller number.
.001 is greater than .0000787
You can purchase a HP 402018 001 power supply cord from stores such as Best Buy or retailers such as Amazon. You can also purchase the cord used from eBay.
4 + .9 + .03 + .001 is the expanded form of 4.931. To find the expanded form of a number, separate the number by the digits, multiply each digit by its place value, and the write it as a sum that hasn't been evaluated: 4(1) + 9(.1) + 3(.01) + 1(.001) = 4 + .9 + .03 + .001
4, 002, 009, 001
14.001 = 10 + 4 + .001
(10)-12 = 1/1012 = 0.000 000 000 001