To calculate 0.04 times 10, you simply multiply the two numbers together. 0.04 multiplied by 10 equals 0.4. This can be understood by shifting the decimal point one place to the right in 0.04 to get 0.4, which is the final result of the multiplication.
What is 1 10 of 004
004 is the same as 4
Greater than
987 multiplied by 004 is 3,948
.004 kg is 4 grams
This is a computer's method of representing scientific numbers. The 'e' or 'E' means exponential and represents the "× 10" in the normal scientific representation. The digits before the 'e' are the mantissa; The digits after the 'e' are the exponent; for positive numbers the '+' is not necessary. Thus 5e+004 = 5 × 10⁺⁰⁰⁴ = 5 × 10⁴ (= 50,000)
.004 + 3 + .03 = 3.034
4.00 is bigger than .004 which is the same as 0.004