Written in word format, 32 005 008 is thirty two million five thousand, eight.
Expressed in figures, 22 million is equal to 22,000,000.
Expressed in figures, this is equal to 25000000.
005 is thicker than 003
1.454 million in figures is 1,454,000
A number with only 1 significant figure can't be rounded to 3 significant figures
e A number that has only 1 significant figure can't be rounded to 3 significant figures
Written in word format, 32 005 008 is thirty two million five thousand, eight.
There are 2 ways to write it: Three million and five or 3 000 005
Expressed in figures, this is equal to 423,000,000.
Expressed in figures, 22 million is equal to 22,000,000.
Expressed in figures, 1.4 million is equal to 1400000.
Expressed in figures, 1.8 million is equal to 1,800,000.
Expressed in figures, this is equal to 25000000.
One million = 1,000,000 in figures
600 005 021
005 is thicker than 003