0.08 to 1 decimal point is simply 0.1. When rounding to one decimal point, we look at the digit immediately to the right of the decimal point. If it is 5 or greater, we round up; if it is less than 5, we round down. In this case, 0.08 is closer to 0.1 than to 0.0, so it rounds up to 0.1.
To convert decimals to a fraction Place the decimal over '1 point' and the same number of decimal zeroes. Hence 0.08 = 0.08 / 1.00 Cancel down the decimal point 008/100 The prefix zeroes to '8' are trivial and can be dropped/ Hence 8/100 Cancel down by '4' 2/25 The answer!!!!!
The 37th digit is 4The 37th digit after the decimal point is 1.The 37th digit is 4The 37th digit after the decimal point is 1.The 37th digit is 4The 37th digit after the decimal point is 1.The 37th digit is 4The 37th digit after the decimal point is 1.
34.67, rounded to the nearest decimal point, is 34.7.
It is 8.8 to one decimal place
.008 = 8/1000 = 1/125
To go from percent to decimal divide by 100, or move decimal two places to he left .008% = .00008
0.008 percent:= 0.008%= 0.00008 in decimal= 8/100000 or 1/12500 in fraction
To convert decimals to a fraction Place the decimal over '1 point' and the same number of decimal zeroes. Hence 0.08 = 0.08 / 1.00 Cancel down the decimal point 008/100 The prefix zeroes to '8' are trivial and can be dropped/ Hence 8/100 Cancel down by '4' 2/25 The answer!!!!!
.8% = .008 = 8/1000 = 1/125
.009 and .008
There is no need for a decimal point if the number is 1.
To convert to percent, move the decimal two places to the right. If you mean .008, the percent is 0.8 %If you mean 8, the percent is 800%
The 37th digit is 4The 37th digit after the decimal point is 1.The 37th digit is 4The 37th digit after the decimal point is 1.The 37th digit is 4The 37th digit after the decimal point is 1.The 37th digit is 4The 37th digit after the decimal point is 1.