To convert a decimal to a percentage, you simply multiply it by 100.
a decimal
1.004-.016 = 0.988
To go to a decimal from a percentage, divide the percentage value by 100.
38, as a decimal is simply 38. As a percentage it is 3800%.
Move the decimal point two places to the left and get rid of the percentage sign.
two million, three hundred four thousand seven and sixteen thousandths.
percentage for the decimal 0.8717948 = 87.17948%
From decimal to percentage multiply by 100.
As a decimal . . . 12.000 As a percentage . . . 1,200%
The decimal and its equivalent percentage have the same value!
A decimal number, multiplied by 100, is its percentage.
a decimal
1.004-.016 = 0.988
To go to a decimal from a percentage, divide the percentage value by 100.
38, as a decimal is simply 38. As a percentage it is 3800%.
Decimal: 0.55 percentage: 55%
0.35 equal to in a decimal percentage is 35%.